
Mode of treatment

(1) Proffing (2)Mechanical Measures (3)Chemical Measures and (4)Rodent Bait Station

1. Proffing:

This technique restricts the access of the rodents in an area. Various entry points are noted during the inspection of our technical executive and report is prepared, which helps in taking corrective action against rodents. Fitting rat guards to the drainpipes and various other proofing measures such as fitting hard metal strips to the bottom edges of door can be done to minimize rodent population entering in the structure.

2. Mechanical Measures :

Mechanical rodent control techniques are more appropriate in house holds. The commonly used method is trapping. The treatment comprises placing mechanical traps and sticky or glue traps in rodent runways.

3. Chemical Measures :

Various type of rodenticides are used depends on rodent population & species. It is strongly recommended that only anticoagulant rodenticides should be used in buildings. Bait shyness with anticoagulant is unusual even at higher concentration. Systematic placement of rodent bait stations and rodenticide is necessary for keeping rodent population under Economic Threshold Level.

4. Rodent Bait Station :

Rodent Bait Station is the important constituent in chemical and mechanical control of Rodents. The Rodent Bait Station is a rectangular metal box in which rodent bait or Glue trap is kept.

Advantages of Rodent Bait Station

  1. Rodents have a habit of eating in dark places, so get attracted easily towards Bait Stations.
  2. Rodent Bait station is a labeled instrument and hence it becomes very easy to detect the places where rodenticide is kept.
  3. As the Rodent bait is kept under box it is not easily accessible to pets and children and hence safer for pets and children.
  4. Contamination or dilution of rodenticide can be avoided, and therefore the bait remains effective for a longer period.